Dani Verhoest

Dani Verhoest


Snatch is 190lbs.

Placed top 100 in the North East in 2019.

Proficient at bar muscle ups.


CF-L2 and USAW-Coaching Certification

About Coach

My journey into fitness started like so many. I was unhealthy and looking to fix my patterns. I was 195lbs, smoked cigarettes, and was generally in an unhealthy place. Back in 2011 I decided to make a change which lead me to CrossFit and eventually wanted to help others make changes in their life. Over the last 13 years I have developed all the skills in CrossFit that allow me to compete as well as teach others them. As I kid I was a gymnast, dancer, and softball player. Which all helped transfer into what I can do today. The biggest highlight has been the ability to not yo-yo my weight. To be able to sustain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

In my life the biggest bully has been myself. As a little girl in the 90's the images shown to us were tall, very lean, and not very muscular models. I am 5'2". Born with broad shoulders and thick legs. This wasn't considered the beauty standard so it was a daily breakdown of dislike. The battle to fit in clothes and feel comfortable in my own skin was a challenge. CrossFit has given me an outlet to show what short, thicc, muscular women can do. That the standard is what we set not what society deems correct. That I want my body to be a reflection of the effort I put forth. There are still days that I sit back an wish my arms were bigger or my abs showed but that is the direct opposite of what 11 year old me would want. Those changes can be made in the kitchen and gym. I can't get taller but I can get thicker!

Coaching to me allows me to help others see their own potential. My hope in coaching is maybe I can help someone else who might be uncomfortable with themselves to reach their own level of self love. Also want people to not fear the unknown. That skills or competitions don't need to be feared. We can develop each piece to make them feel more confident.