01/06/22: Thursday

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January 6, 2022
01/06/22: Thursday



January 6, 2022

We will be running our 6-week January Nutrition Kickstart that begins on Monday, January 10th. There are only a few spots left, so make sure to sign-up before it is too late! This nutrition kickstart will be using a new and improved platform that will focus on habits, have unlimited access to one of our certified nutrition coaches, weekly lessons to learn how to improve specific habits, and more. The New Year shouldn’t be about wasting money on juice cleanses, the hot new diet, and losing weight fast. So, let us help teach you how to build better nutrition habits that will leave you feeling good, motivated, and like yourself again. If you are ready, sign-up HERE.

Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • Foam Roll
  • 3 Sets - :40 On|:20 Off
    • Row|Ski|Bike - Increasing intensity

Conditioning - "The Fourty Skier Old V-Erg-in" - Last done 7/22/21AMRAP 405 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - ↑...

  • Cal Row|Ski|Bike
  • :30 Rest

AccessoryCollect 2 min. Each Side

  • Single Leg Wall Sit (Weighted if able/desired)

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