02/11/22: Friday

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February 11, 2022
02/11/22: Friday



February 11, 2022

Bring Your Own Friend Week is back!!! BYOF will run from Feb. 14 - 21. Please have your friends sign up beforehand.BYOF - BH Sign UpBYOF - WF Sign UpToday's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 3 x :20 Hollow Hold
  • 12 Groiners w/ T Spine Opener
  • 10 Infant Squats
  • 15 Squat Thrusts
  • 2 Sets
    • :30 Row|Ski|Bike
    • 6 Burpees
    • 9 Wall Balls

Conditioning - "Up Sit's Creek Without a Paddle"10 Rounds For Total Reps

  • In 2 min.
    • 6 Burpees to a Target
    • 12|9 Cal Row|Ski (crx: 15|12)
    • Max Wall Balls in the remaining time
  • Rest: Walk 1 min.

Accessory5 Sets - :30 On|:30 Off

  • Banded Tricep Extensions

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