02/02/22: Wednesday

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February 2, 2022
02/02/22: Wednesday



February 2, 2022

908ers - we are already one month into 2022, and just when your New Year's resolutions might be fading, we've got the perfect challenge to keep you COMMITTED.For the month of February we will be running an attendance challenge called "The Committed Club." It's as simple as showing up. During the month of February any 908er who attends more than 20 days in the month will get their name on the whiteboard, the website, Instagram, and be entered into a raffle to win a gift card to a local business and some 908 swag.We know it's cold and dark outside, but it is always bright and warm inside the walls at 908. Come get some exercise, see your favorite people, and get entered to win some prizes. The challenge runs through February 28! Are you committed?Today's WorkoutWarm Up2 Sets - :40 On|:20 Off

  • Row|Ski|Bike
  • Forward Lunges
  • Farmers Hold
  • Piked Inchworms

Conditioning - "The Farmers Wall-manac"AMRAP 40

  • 300' Farmers Carry (5x30'+30')
  • 500 m Row|Ski
  • 30 Forward Lunges
  • 5-10 Wall Walks (sx: 10 Piked Inchworms)

Accessory4 Sets

  • 15 Banded Tricep Extensions
  • 15 Zottman Curls


  • Lifts
    • E1:00 x 6: Hang Snatch:
      • 55-65% - 3(2)
      • 65-75% - 3(2)
      • 75+% - 3(2)
    • Clean (blocks) + Jerk:
      • 50% - 2 + 3
      • 55% - 2 + 3
      • 60% - 2 + 3
      • 65% - 2 + 3
      • 70-80% - 2 + 3(4)
  • Accessory
    • Clean Pulls:
      • 105-110% - 5(3)
    • Plank Hold:
      • :30(3)

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