02/14/22: Monday

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February 14, 2022
02/14/22: Monday



February 14, 2022

Bring Your Own Friend Week starts today!! Please have your friends sign up beforehand.BYOF - BH ------ BYOF - WFToday's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 1 min. Jump Rope
  • 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges (Each)
  • 15 Straight Leg Sit Ups
  • 10 Groiners w/ T Spine Opener
  • 20 Lunges
  • 1 min. Jump Rope
  • 10 Tempo Deadlifts

StrengthEvery 1:30 for 10 Sets

  • 3 Tempo Deadlifts (30X2)

Conditioning - "The Lung-uage of Love"AMRAP 15 - Partner WOD

  • Max Cal Row
  • Pacer:
    • 50 Double Unders
    • 14 Farmers Lunges (sx: 30#|20# rx: 40#|25# crx: 50#+|35#+)

Accessory4 Sets - :30 On|:15 Off (Each)

  • KB|DB Crush Grip L Crunches (sx: bent knees)
  • Russian Twists

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