01/09/19: Wednesday

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January 9, 2019
01/09/19: Wednesday



January 9, 2019

Congratulations to Andrew and Lindsay on the birth of their daughter, Sophie Matilda Hall, born January 4th weighing in at 7 pounds 14 ounces and 20 inches long.

Today's Workout:

  • Conditioning - "Dreamwork"3 Rounds - Partner WOD
    • AMRAP 3
      • Cal Ski
    • 1 min. Rest
    • AMRAP 3
      • 70' Sled Push
    • 1 min. Rest
    • AMRAP 3
      • Cal Assault Bike
    • 1 min. Rest
  • Accessory
    • Tabata - Single Arm KB Front Rack March (One Side)
    • Tabata - Single Arm KB Front Rack March (Other Side)

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