01/13/20: Monday

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January 13, 2020
01/13/20: Monday



January 13, 2020

Today's Workout

  • Strength3 Sets
    • 8 Deadlifts (65-70%)
  • Conditioning - "Vla-DU-mir Pood-tin"3 Rounds For Time
    • 24 KB Swings (sx: 35#|26# rx: 53#|35# crx: 70#+|53#+)
    • 18 Handstand Push Ups (sx: Pike/Box rx: Head to Ground)
    • 120 Double Unders (sx: Reduce the reps/2 min. Attempts)
  • Accessory3 Sets (Each Arm - Complete set before switching)
    • 10 Single Arm DB Row (Bench Supported)
    • 20 Single Arm Banded Tricep Pull Down

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