01/13/21: Wednesday

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January 13, 2021
01/13/21: Wednesday



January 13, 2021

Today's Workout

  • Warm Up2 Sets - :40 On|:20 Off
    • Plank (2-Shoulder Taps)
    • Pendlay Row
    • DB Press (2-Push Press)
  • Skill
    • Rope Climb Footholds(Box > Pull Up Bar Resets > 1 Reset on Rope > Full)
  • Conditioning - "Climbing the Core-porate Splatter"8 Rounds For Total Reps - :30 On|:30 Off
    • Rope Climbs
    • DB Push Presses
    • Shoulder Taps
  • Accessory5 Sets
    • 5-10 Unbroken Power Clean & Jerks (Empty Barbell/Very Light Weight)***Work on breathing and cycling reps***

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