01/29/20: Wednesday

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January 29, 2020
01/29/20: Wednesday



January 29, 2020

We will be running a 90-min rope climb seminar:

  • Saturday, Feb 1 @ 10:30am at our Berkeley Heights location (SIGN UP)
  • Tuesday, Feb 4 @ 7:30pm at our Westfield location (SIGN UP)

Today's Workout

  • Conditioning - "The Deadly Art of Hinge-itsu"AMRAP 21
    • 300 m Row
    • 25 KB Swings
    • 20 Box Jumps
    • 15 Toes to Bar
  • Accessory3 Sets
    • 30 Lateral Step Overs
    • :30 Side Planks (Each Side)

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