01/30/21: Saturday

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January 30, 2021
01/30/21: Saturday



January 30, 2021

Today's Workout

  • Warm Up3 Sets
    • 1 min. Bike|Row|Ski
    • :30 Rest
    • 1 min.
      • 10 Pendlay Rows
      • Max Press (2&3-Push Press)
    • :30 Rest
  • Conditioning - "Alvin and the Kip-munks"AMRAP 20 - Partner WOD***Alternate every minute***
    • P1: 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - ↑...
      • Push Presses (rx: 95#|65# crx: 115#|75#)
      • Pull Ups
    • P2: Max Cal Row|Bike|Ski
  • AccessoryAMRAP 7 - With a Partner
    • Wall Balls (Alternate as desired)

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