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February 8, 2021
Nutrition Challenge starts 2/15/21! Please reference the email that went out for further information. Contact Christina@908Athletics.com if you have any questions.
Today's Workout
Warm Up4 Sets - :30 On|:30 Off
Groiners (2-Front Squats|3-Push Press|4-Thruster)
Conditioning - "Easy Rider"Every 7 min. for 4 Rounds - 6 min. Work Time Cap
20|16 Cal Row|Ski -OR- 15|12 Cal Bike
10 Thrusters (75#|55#)
15|12 Cal Row|Ski -OR- 12|9 Cal Bike
10 Thrusters
10|8 Cal Row|Ski -OR- 8|6 Cal Bike
10 Thrusters
Collect 3 min. in a Plank (Weighted if able/desired)
Collect 3 min. in a Wall Sit (Weighted if able/desired)