02/15/19: Friday

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February 15, 2019
02/15/19: Friday



February 15, 2019

Bring Your Own Friend Day - Saturday, 02/16 ALL CLASSES. Make sure you register your friend in Zenplanner as a first time drop in.
We are taking preorders for CrossFit 908 Open Shirts - if you would like to order one please email Erin (erin@crossfit908.com) your preferred style (women's triblend racerback or men's triblend tee) and size (XS-XXL). $20/shirt.

Today's Workout:

  • Conditioning - "Avalanche"4 Rounds for Total Reps
    • 1 min. Max Cal Ski
    • 1 min. Max Power Cleans (sx - 75#|55# rx - 115#|75# crx - 185#|125#)
    • 1 min. Max 20" Box Jumps
    • 1 min. Max Cal Bike
    • 1 min. Rest
  • Accessory3 Sets
    • : 30 Wall Sit (Weighted if Possible)
    • 1 min. Air Squats (32X1)

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