03/06/21: Saturday

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March 6, 2021
03/06/21: Saturday



March 6, 2021

Today's Workout

  • Warm Up:30 On|:15 Off
    • 3 Sets
      • Hollow Hold
      • Rockstars
      • Lunges
    • 2 Sets
      • Lemon Squeezes
      • KB Swings
      • Lunges
  • Conditioning -"Bell of the Ball"30 Rounds For Time - Partners Alt. Full Rounds
    • 8 Knees to Elbow
    • 10 KB Swings
    • 12 Goblet Lunges
  • Accessory5 Sets
    • 15 Weighted Glute Bridges
    • :45 Wall Sit

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