The gym will be closed this week.We're planning on having virtual classes via ZOOM at 7, 9 AM & 12, 6 PM. Check HERE to join in!Today's Workout
- Warm Up
- :20 On|:10 Off
- Standing Toy Soldier
- Standing High Knee Pull
- Rockstars
- Cossack Squats
- Hollow Hold
- Superman/Arch Hold
- Lemon Squeezes
- Forward Lunges
- Reverse Lunges
- 2 Sets
- 100 m Shuttle (sub: 20 Standing Toe Taps|10 Stair Step Ups)
- 10 Slow Air Squats
- 5 V Ups
- Conditioning - "Running the Numb-urr's Core-rectly"AMRAP 25
- 50 Air Squats (Sub: 1:1 Lunges|Chair Squats|Glute Bridges)
- 400 m Run (Sub: 100 Standing Toe Taps|50 Stair Step Ups|1 min. Fast Paced Walk)
- 30 V Ups (Sub: Lemon Squeezes|Sit Ups|1 min. Plank)
- 20 Single Arm Rows (Each Arm - Sub: Curls - DB/KB/Water Jug/Wtd Object)
- Accessory3 Sets
- 20 Deadbugs
- 10 Inchworms
- 1 min Side Planks (Alt. Every :15)