03/17/21: Wednesday

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March 17, 2021
03/17/21: Wednesday



March 17, 2021

Today's Workout

  • Warm Up3 Sets
    • 4 Inchworms
    • 8 Straight Leg Sit Ups (2-Lemon Squeezes|3-Knees to Elbow)
    • 10 Lunges
  • Strength5 Sets
    • 12 Single Arm Bent Over Rows (Each Arm)
    • 100' DB/KB Front Rack Carry (50'|50')
    • 1:30 Rest
  • Conditioning -"The Loch-Knees Monster"30 - 20 - 10
    • Knees to Elbow
    • Front Rack Lunges (sx: 75#|55# rx: 95#|65# crx: 135#|95#)
  • Accessory5 Sets - :40 On|:20 Off
    • Farmers Hold


  • Lifts
    • EMOM 5: Muscle Clean + Push Press
      • 50% - 2 + 2(3)
      • 55% - 2 + 2(2)
    • Snatch: Max Out
      • Build until 2 misses
      • Drop to 80%|2
      • Build until 1 miss
  • Accessory
    • Mobilize

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