03/19/20: Thursday

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March 19, 2020
03/19/20: Thursday



March 19, 2020

The gym will be closed this week. We're planning on having virtual classes via ZOOM at 7, 9 AM & 12, 6 PM.

*******Check HERE to join in!*********

Today's Workout

  • Warm Up:30 On|:10 Off
    • Jump Rope
    • Rockstars
    • Forward Lunges
    • Side Plank (Right)
    • Side Plank (Left)
    • Reverse Lunges
    • Single Arm Hang Clean Pull (Alt at :15)
    • Single Arm Front Rack Lunges (Alt at :15)
    • Single Arm Hang Power Clean (Alt at :15)
    • Jump Rope
  • Conditioning - "Kneel Pat-Trip Harass"AMRAP 18
    • 9 Hang Power Cleans (Each Arm - Sub: SA Swings|Medball Hang Cleans|SA Bent Row)
    • 18 Front Rack Lunges (Sub: Split Squats|Step Ups|3:1 Stair Climbs)
    • 27 Double Unders (Sub: Singles|Pat Drill|Hops to an Object|Toe Taps|:20 High Knee March)
  • Accessory
    • 30 Lateral Inchworm Walk Outs(1 Rep = Inchworm to plank > 3-5 Lateral plank steps left > Inchworm to standing and back to plank > 3-5 Lateral plank steps right)

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