03/29/19: Friday

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March 29, 2019
03/29/19: Friday



March 29, 2019

Today's Workout

  • Strength5 Sets - Challenging Weight
    • 3 Hang Power Clean & Jerks
  • Conditioning - "Strike Out"AMRAP 15
    • 300 m Run
    • 18 KB Swings
    • 6 Strict HSPU (sx - Pike Push Ups or 9 Seated DB Presses crx - Deficit)
  • AccessoryAMRAP 10
    • 6 Inchworms
    • 12 Ring Rows
    • 18 Shoulder Taps (Each Shoulder)

Yoga has been offered at our Berkeley Heights location for over six years. It was included as a way to help the 908 members work on flexibility, breathing, mobility, and balance. However, in the past six months, attendance has been very low. Therefore, Sunday morning yoga classes on a weekly basis will be discontinued. Please send comments, concerns, or questions to Karen@crossfit908.com.

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