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April 8, 2020
The gym is closed due to COVID-19 until further notice.Today's virtual classes via ZOOM -WOD - 7 & 9 AM, 12 & 6 PMKids' Class - 4 PMOly Class - 5:15 PMMeditation - 7:30 PM
*******ClickHERE to join the live Zoom class!*********
Today's Workout
Warm Up
:30 Hollow Hold
15 Superman Arches
20 Glute Bridges
10 Two Breath Side Planks
20 DB Pendlay Rows (Both hands on 1 DB)
15 Slow Shoulder Taps (Each Side)
:30 Push Up Plank
Conditioning - "Apull Sider-r Go-nuts"6 Rounds for Total Reps:20 On|:10 Off
Side Plank (R - Sub: Standing Side Bends|Single Arm Front Rack March)
Side Plank (L)
Max Push Ups (Sub: Elevated Push Ups|Shoulder Taps)
Max Single Arm Bent Row (R - Sub: Lighter Object and Slower Controlled Reps)
Max Single Arm Bent Row (L)
Max Push Ups
Accessory5 Sets
10 Slow Eccentric Cossack Squats (5 Each Side - :03+ Negative)
10 Slow Eccentric Bulgarian Split Squats (5 Each Leg)