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April 13, 2020
The gym is closed due to COVID-19 until further notice.Today's virtual classes via ZOOM -WOD - 7 AM & 9 AM, 12 PM & 6 PMKids' Class - 4 PMCooking Class - 5 PM with Will G.ROMWOD - 7 PM
*******ClickHERE to join the live Zoom class!*********
Today's Workout
Warm Up
10 Press Ups
20 Bird Dogs
20 Glute Bridges
20 Staggered Good Mornings
40 Shoulder Taps
15 DB Deadlifts
100' Farmers Carry
50' Robot Bear Crawl
Conditioning - "Un-Bear-Rubble"AMRAP 22
2 Rounds
10 DB Deadlifts (Sub: Swings|Hang Power Cleans|Glute Bridges)
100' Farmers Carry (Sub: Front Rack Carry|:30 High Knee March)