04/21/20: Tuesday

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April 21, 2020
04/21/20: Tuesday



April 21, 2020

The gym is closed due to COVID-19 until further notice.Today's virtual classes via ZOOM -WOD - 7 & 9 AM, 12 & 6 PMStrength Class - 5 PMROMWOD - 7 PM*******BH Click HERE to reserve and join classes!****************WF Click HERE to reserve and join classes!*********Today's Workout

  • Warm Up
    • 400 m Jog
    • 10 Walking Groiner Steps
    • 15 Single Leg Glute Bridges (Each Leg)
    • 20 Lateral Hops Over the DB
    • 15 Good Mornings
    • 15 Squat Thrusts
    • 10 DB Lunges
  • Conditioning - "Burn-y Stand-ers"*****Equipment Version*****Burpees Over the BarMax Back Rack Lunges (sx: Scale as Needed rx: 115#|65#)*****Normal Version*****2 Rounds
    • AMRAP 10
      • 800 m Run (Sub: 4 mins Alternating :30 High Knees + :30 Butt Kickers|Toe Taps|Stairs|Fast paced walk)
      • 40 Burpees Over the DB (Sub: Squat Thrusts|20 Inchworms|Squat Jumps)
      • Max DB Lunges (Held Any Style - Sub: Step Ups|Chair Squats|2:1 Hurdle Steps)
  • Accessory3 Sets
    • 20-30 Seated DB Tricep Extensions

Strength Class

  • Warm Up
    • 10 Press Ups
    • :20 Side Plank (Each Side)
    • 15 Glute Bridges
    • :30 Shoulder Taps
    • 20 Deadlifts
    • 10 Push ups + T-Spine
    • 20 Bench Presses
  • Strength
    • 4x6 Deadlifts
    • 4x6 Bench Presses

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