04/26/19: Friday

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April 26, 2019
04/26/19: Friday



April 26, 2019

We still need 2 more judges for Barbells and Beers.

If you're able to help out please register here: 2019 Barbells and Beers

Today's Workout

  • Strength4 Sets
    • 8 Back Squat (70%)
  • Conditioning - "Battle Chipp"For Time
    • 48 Wall Balls (sx - Scale as Needed rx - 20#|14#)
    • 36 DB Hang Power Snatches (Alt. Every 6 - sx - Scale as Needed rx - 40#|25# crx - 50#|35#)
    • 24 Burpees Over DB
    • 120 Double Unders (sx - 1:30 Attempts)
    • 6 Rope Climbs (sx - Mod. RC or 18 Pull Up Bar Resets)
  • Accessory5 Sets
    • 10 Lateral Box Step Ups (Each Leg)
    • 10 Cossack Squats

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