05/05/21: Wednesday

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May 5, 2021
05/05/21: Wednesday



May 5, 2021

Today's WorkoutWarm Up4 Sets - :20 On|:10 Off

  • Jumping Jacks
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Bicycle Crunches

Conditioning -"Stink-o de Cry-ohhh"5 Rounds - Teams of 3

  • 3 min. - Max Distance Sled Push (Alt. Every 40')
  • 1 min. Rest
  • 3 min. - Max Cal Bike (Alt. Every :20)
  • 1 min. Rest

Accessory3 Sets

  • :30 Max Jump Squats
  • 1 min. Wall Sit
  • :30 Rest


  • Lifts
    • EMOM 8: Snatch Deadlift + Hang Power Snatch (Above Knee):
      • 45% - 1 + 2(2)
      • 55% - 1 + 2(2)
      • 60% - 1 + 2(2)
      • 65% - 1 + 2(2)
    • Clean + Jerk:
      • 55% - 1 + 2
      • 65% - 2 + 1
      • 70% - 1 + 2
      • 70% - 2 + 1
      • 75% - 1 + 1(4)
  • Accessory
    • Clean Pull (Pause at the Top):
      • 105% - 110% - 4(3)
    • Dual DB Bent Over Rows:
      • 10x3 (As heavy as possible)

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