05/22/19: Wednesday

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May 22, 2019
05/22/19: Wednesday



May 22, 2019

Sunday, June 9th is the Cure for IBD Run. We've supported the event for Kael's daughter, who suffers from Crohn's, and Coach Jake, who has UC.

Shirt<-- Click this link if you're interested in getting a shirt for the event (all proceeds will be donated). **Shirt orders need to be in by Friday!**Run<-- Click this link if you're interested in registering for the race (1 mile/2 mile/5 km).Today's Workout

  • Strength - Last Done 10/03/18Teams of 4-5 - 15 min.
    • Build to a Heavy 50' Sled Push***If you max out early, try to get in about 7 challenging pushes
  • Conditioning - "Death by Wall Balls" - Last Done 12/31/18sx - Start at 5 rx - Start at 10
    • Add 1 Rep Every min. Until Failure***If you fail prior to 10 min., treat it as an AMRAP 10
  • Accessory4 Sets
    • 15 KB Side Bends (Each Side)

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