05/24/19: Friday

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May 24, 2019
05/24/19: Friday



May 24, 2019

Welcome to the world, Savannah Maeve Valentine. Born 4/20/19. 7:10am. 6 lbs 10oz. 18 inches long.

Sunday, June 9th is the Cure for IBD Run. We've supported the event for Kael's daughter, who suffers from Crohn's, and Coach Jake, who has UC.

Shirt<-- Click this link if you're interested in getting a shirt for the event (all proceeds will be donated). **Shirt orders need to be in by Friday!**Run<-- Click this link if you're interested in registering for the race (1 mile/2 mile/5 km).Today's Workout

  • Strength7 Sets
    • 2 Back Squats (85%)
  • Conditioning - "Monkey in the Middle"AMRAP 11
    • 10 Weighted Step Ups (sx - Scale as Needed rx - 40#|25# crx - 50#|35#)
    • 12 Burpees over the DB
  • Accessory2 min. Each Side
    • Couch Stretch
    • Pigeon Pose

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