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June 5, 2020
The gym is closed due to COVID-19 until further notice.Today's classes:Zoom WOD- 7 AM & 12 PM Outdoor WOD - 9 AM & 6 PM-BH @ the track at GL High School --WF @ Memorial Pool - ⭐MUST reserve in ZP⭐ROMWOD - 10 AMKid's Class - 4 PM*******BH ClickHERE to reserve and join classes!****************WF ClickHERE to reserve and join classes!*********Today's Workout
Warm Up
20 Glute Bridges
20 Cossack Squats
10 Single Arm Deadlifts (Each)
15 Glute Bridges
15 Lateral Step Overs (Each Side)
15 Low Russian Swings
10 Glute Bridges
10 Forward Lunges
10 Swings
Conditioning - "Walk-ie Chalky"21-18-15-12-9-6-3
KB Swings (Opt: American - Sub: Single/Double Arm Hang Power Cleans|Good Mornings|Glute Bridges)