06/10/21: Thursday

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June 10, 2021
06/10/21: Thursday



June 10, 2021

Today's WorkoutWarm Up3 Sets - :20 On|:10 Off

  • Jumping Jacks
  • Mt. Climbers
  • Shoulder Taps
  • Bottom of the Squat Hold

Conditioning -"I'm Wall Shook Up"6 Rounds For Total Reps/Cals - :30 On|:30 Off

  • Max Cal Bike
  • Max Distance Sled (35' = 5 reps)
  • Max Cal Ski
  • Wall Sit (:05 = 1 rep)
  • Hollow Hold (:05 = 1 rep)

Accessory4 Sets

  • 10 Barbell Drag Curls
  • 10 Seated Preacher Curls (Elbows tucked into the sides)

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