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June 11, 2020
The gym is closed due to COVID-19 until further notice.Today's classes:Zoom WOD- 7 AM & 12 PM Outdoor WOD - 6 & 9 AM & 6 PM-BH @ Behind CF908 --WF @ Parking Lot at CF908 Central - ⭐MUST reserve in ZP⭐Yoga - 10 AMStrength - 4:30 PM*******BH ClickHERE to reserve and join classes!****************WF ClickHERE to reserve and join classes!*********Today's Workout
Warm Up
10 Press Ups
15 Glute Bridges
:20 Hollow Hold
:30 Jump Rope
10 Good Mornings
15 Straight Leg Sit Ups
20 Squat Thrusts
:30 Jump Rope
10 SA Deadlifts
10 V Ups
Conditioning - "Dead Toe the Whirled"*****Equipment Version*****Deadlifts (135#|95#)Toes to Bar*****Normal Version*****AMRAP 15
10 Single Arm Deadlifts (Sub: Swings|Hang Power Cleans|Glute Bridges)
10 V Ups (Sub: Lemon Squeezes|Sit Ups|Two Breath Side Planks)***30 Double Unders Every 1:30 and at the beginning (Sub: Single Unders|Jumping Jacks|Plate/Stair/Object Hop|Toe Taps|Standing High Knee March)