06/20/20: Saturday

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June 20, 2020
06/20/20: Saturday



June 20, 2020

The gym is closed due to COVID-19 until further notice.Today's classes:Outdoor WOD - 8 & 9 AM-BH @ Back Lot --WF @ Parking Lot - ⭐MUST reserve in ZP⭐Abs - 12 PM*******BH Click HERE to reserve and join classes!****************WF Click HERE to reserve and join classes!*********Today's Workout

  • Warm Up3 Sets
    • 8 Forward Lunges
    • 6 Step Ups
    • 4 Inchworms
    • 200 m Jog
  • Conditioning - "Isn't it I-Run-ick"Every 5 min. for 6 Rounds
    • 400 m Run (Sub: 2 min. Alt. High Knees + Butt Kickers|Toe Taps|Stairs|Fast Walk)In the Remaining Time:
      • Max Step Ups (Wtd if Desired - Sub: Unwtd Step Up + High Knee|Lunges|Chair Squats|Hurdle Steps)
  • AccessoryFor Quality
    • Collect 2 min. in a Table Top Hold

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