07/28/21: Wednesday

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July 28, 2021
07/28/21: Wednesday



July 28, 2021

Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 2 Sets
    • 5 Sumo Inchworm to Groiner
    • 10 Banded Pass Throughs
    • 15 Face Pulls
    • 20 Pull Aparts
  • 2 Sets
    • 15 DB Floor Presses
    • 10 Goblet Lunges
    • 5 Hand Release Push Ups + Shoulder Taps

Strength4 Sets

  • 20 DB Bench Presses
  • 3-4 min. Rest

Conditioning - "Harry Trotter and the Order of the Knee-nix"AMRAP 15

  • 200 m Run
  • 12 Heavy DB Lunges (1 DB - Held any style)
  • :30 Rest

Accessory3 Sets

  • 15 DB Skull Crushers
  • 15 Glute Bridges (Weighted if able/desired)


  • Lifts
    • EMOM 6: Drop Snatch (rack):
      • 55% - 2(2)
      • 60% - 2(2)
      • 65% - 2(2)
    • Hang Clean + Push Jerk:
      • 55% - 2 + 2
      • 65% - 2 + 2
      • 70% - 2 + 2
      • 75% - 2 + 2
      • 80% - 2 + 2(3)
  • Accessory
    • Clean DL:
      • 105+% - 5(3)
    • 3 x :45 Weighted Plank

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