08/05/21: Thursday

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August 5, 2021
08/05/21: Thursday



August 5, 2021

Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 50 Jumping Jacks
  • 5 Inchworm to Press Up
  • 15 Halting Glute Bridges
  • 20 Single Leg Toe Touch
  • 3 Sets
    • :30 Jump Rope
    • 6 High Pulls
    • 9 Swings

Strength5 Sets

  • 3 Snatch Grip Deadlift

Conditioning - "A-pull Fitter & Whipped Scream"5 Rounds

  • AMRAP 2
    • 10 KB High Pulls
    • 15 KB Swings
    • Max Double Unders in the remaining time
  • Rest 1 min.


  • 400 m Farmers Carry (pick a weight you can go as close to unbroken as possible)

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