08/08/20: Saturday

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August 8, 2020
08/08/20: Saturday



August 8, 2020

Now hosting outdoor group classes and private training, as well as live virtual group classes.Today's classes:Outdoor WOD - 8 & 9 AM-BH @ Back Lot --WF @ Parking Lot - ⭐MUST reserve in ZP⭐*******BH Click HERE to reserve and join classes!****************WF Click HERE to reserve and join classes!*********Today's Workout

  • Warm Up
    • 20 Groiners w/ T Spine Rotation
    • 10 Inchworms w/ Drunken Mt. Climber
    • 20 Object Hop Overs
    • 10 Squat Thrusts
    • 20 Tempo Air Squats
    • 10 Burpees Over Object
  • Conditioning - "Ronald Wheeze-ley and Her-thigh-ione Granger"5 Rounds For Time (sx - 4 Rounds crx: 6 Rounds)
    • 30 Air Squats (Sub: Lunges|Step Ups| 2:1 Toe Taps)
    • 15 Burpees Over Object (Facing - Sub: Burpees|Squat Thrusts|Inchworms|Squat Jumps)
    • 20 Air Squats
    • 10 Burpees Over Object
    • 10 Air Squats
    • 5 Burpees Over Object
    • 1 min. Rest
  • Accessory
    • 200 m Single Arm Overhead Carry (Each Arm)***crx: 200' Handstand Walks (bring gloves!)

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