08/12/19: Monday

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August 12, 2019
08/12/19: Monday



August 12, 2019

Today's Workout

  • Strength3 Sets
    • 9 Front Squats (65%)
  • Conditioning - "The Long Weakend"For Time - 25 min. Time Cap
    • 300 m Run1 Round
      • 24 Toes to Bar
      • 24 DB Thrusters (sx - 30#|20# rx - 40#|30#)
    • 300 m Run2 Rounds
      • 12 Toes to Bar
      • 12 DB Thrusters
    • 300 m Run3 Rounds
      • 8 Toes to Bar
      • 8 DB Thrusters
    • 300 m Run
  • Accessory4 Sets
    • 20 Lateral Step Overs (Band or PVC)
    • :30 Hollow Hold
    • 20 Glute Bridges (Weighted if desired)
    • :20 Superman Hold

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