Now hosting outdoor group classes and private training, as well as live virtual group classes.Today's classes:Zoom WOD- 7 AM & 12 PM Outdoor WOD - 5 (BH Only), 6 & 9 AM & 6 PM-BH @ Back Lot --WF @ Parking Lot - ⭐MUST reserve in ZP⭐Buns & Abs @ WF & Online - 10:15 AMStrength Outdoors @ BH - 5 PM*******BH Click HERE to reserve and join classes!****************WF Click HERE to reserve and join classes!*********Today's Workout
- Warm Up
- 1 min. Jump Rope
- 15 Straight Leg Sit Ups
- 20 Staggered Good Mornings (Alternating)
- 15 Lemon Squeezes
- 1 min. Jump Rope
- 15 Front Rack Elbow Rotations (Each)
- 10 Hang Power Cleans
- 10 V Ups
- 1 min. Jump Rope
- Conditioning - "Pulling Up in the V-dub"For Time
- 100 - 80 - 60 - 40 - 20 Double Unders (Sub: 2:1 Singles|Jumping Jacks|Plate/Stair/Object Hop|Toe Taps|Standing High Knee March)
- 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 V Ups (Sub: Lemon Squeezes|Sit Ups|Two Breath Side Planks)
- 25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5 Hang Power Cleans (rx: 95#|65# crx: 115#|80# - Sub: Swings|DB Deadlifts|Glute Bridges)
- Accessory3 Sets
- 200 m Suitcase Carry (Switch sides at 100m)***Attempt to increase weight each set
Strength Class
- Warm Up
- 1 min. Plank
- 20 Staggered Stance Good Morning
- 3 Sets
- 5 Press Ups
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 10-15 Deadlifts
- 10-15 Strict Presses
- Strength
- 10-8-6-4-2 - Deadlifts (Increasing in weight)
- 10-8-6-4-2 - Strict Presses (Increasing in weight)