08/24/21: Tuesday

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August 24, 2021
08/24/21: Tuesday



August 24, 2021

Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 10 Press Up to Down Dog
  • 20 Bird Dog (Alt)
  • 30 Lunges
  • :30 Scap Pull Ups
  • 15 Supinated Pendlay Rows
  • 10 Power Cleans
  • 20 Front Rack Lunges
  • 2 Sets
    • 5 Strict Chin Ups
    • 6 Front Rack Lunges (building weight)

StrengthEMOM 10

  • 7-10 Strict Chin Ups
  • 10 Barbell Front Rack Lunges (from the ground - start at 60% of back rack lunges -8/2)

Conditioning - "C-Row-nus and the Cycle-ops":40 On|:20 Off for 16 min.

  • Max Cal Bike
  • Max Goblet Lunges
  • Max Single Arm Row (R)
  • Max Single Arm Row (L)

Accessory4 Sets - :30 On|:30 Off

  • Double DB Skull Crushers

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