Today's WorkoutWarm Up
- 400 m Jog
- 20 Glute Bridges
- 15 Infant Squats
- 10 Push Up + Shoulder Taps
- 5 Groiners w/ T Spine Opener (Each)
- 3 Sets
- 10 Wall Balls
- :10 Ring Support Hold (Top + Bottom)
Conditioning - "Air-Ring on the Thigh-d of Cough-tion"4 Rounds For Time - 30 min. Time Cap
- 400 m Run
- 15 - 12 - 9 - 6 - 3 Wall Balls
- 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 Strict Ring Dips
Accessory3 Sets
- :30 Hollow Hold
- :30 Single Arm Front Rack March (Each Arm)***No rest between rounds***
- Lifts
- EMOM 4: Muscle Snatch:
- Heavy Single Snatch:
- 65% - 2
- 70% - 2
- 75% - 2
- 80% - 1
- 85+% - 1(5)
- Accessory