08/26/21: Thursday

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August 26, 2021
08/26/21: Thursday



August 26, 2021

ANNOUNCEMENT - THE 908 BEACH DAY IS CANCELLED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER. We are sorry for the late notice. We were hoping that the weather would be nicer, but it looks like it will rain.Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 5 Sumo Inchworm to Press Ups
  • 10 Tempo Cossack Squats
  • :20 Plank (F|R|L)
  • 3 x :40 On|:20 Off - Row|Ski|Bike

Conditioning - "Chasin' and the Erg-onauts"AMRAP 40

  • 50|40 Cal Row|Ski|Bike
  • 1 min. Rest
  • 40|32 Cal Row|Ski|Bike
  • 1 min. Rest
  • 30|24 Cal Row|Ski|Bike
  • :30 Rest
  • 20|16 Cal Row|Ski|Bike
  • :30 Rest
  • 10|8 Cal Row|Ski|Bike
  • :30 Rest

Accessory3 Sets

  • 15 Tempo Pendlay Rows
  • :20-:30 Chin Over the Bar Hold
  • 1-2 min. Rest

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