09/06/21: Monday

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September 6, 2021
09/06/21: Monday



September 6, 2021

Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 50 Jumping Jacks
  • 40 Mt. Climbers
  • 30 Sit Ups (10 Straight Leg|10 Lemon Squeeze|10 V Up)
  • 20 Scap Pull Ups
  • 10 Push Up + Down Dog
  • 3 Sets
    • 8 Hanging Knee Raises
    • 8 Shoulder to Overhead (Press|Push Press|Push Jerk)

Conditioning - "13 Folded Flags"For Time - Groups of 4 - 36 min. Time Cap

  • 26 Rope Climbs (Alt. every rep)
  • 21 Handstand Push Ups (Each Person - Alt. every 7 reps)
  • 13 Rounds (Each Team-Working in Pairs-Alt. full rounds)
    • 8 Synchro Shoulder to Overhead (rx: 75#|55# crx: 115#|75#)
    • 8 Synchro Knees to Elbow(armpit/sternum)


  • Collect 2 min. in a Chin Over the Bar Hold

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