09/19/21: Sunday

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September 19, 2021
09/19/21: Sunday



September 19, 2021

Today's WorkoutWarm Up

  • 2 Sets
    • 5 Sumo Inchworms
    • 10 Thread the Needle (in Groiner)
    • 15 Infant Squats
    • 20 Scap Pull Ups
  • 3 Sets
    • 6 DB Thrusters
    • 3 Burpees


  • "Burp-Th, Life and Death"Every 2 min. for 6 Rounds - 1:30 Time Cap
    • 15 Unbroken DB Thrusters
    • 12-15 Burpees
  • Rest 4 min.
  • "Death By"
    • Strict Pull Ups (80-90% of 5 RM -if weighted or same bands as 5 RM)***if capped before min. 7--work up to 30 reps***

Accessory3 Sets

  • 12 Isometric DB Hammer Curls
  • 12 Elevated Tricep Push Ups
  • 12 Supinated DB Curls

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