Today's classes:Outdoor WOD - 9 & 10 AM ????MUST reserve in ZP - HERE????Today's Workout
- Warm Up3 Sets
- :30 Jump Rope
- :30 Hollow Hold (2-Straight Leg Sit Up|3-Sit Up)
- :30 Push Up (2-Push Up + Down Dog|3-Pike Push Up)
- Conditioning - "The Weight of the Whirled"8 Rounds For Time
- 8 Pike Push Ups (Sub: Single Arm Press|Push Up + Down Dog|HRPU)
- 16 Weighted Sit Ups (Sub: Unweighted Sit Up|32 Bicycle Crunches|:20 Plank F/R/L)
- 40 Double Unders (Sub: 80 Singles|Jumping Jacks|Plate/Stair/Object Hops|Toe Taps|High Knee March)
- Accessory
- Tabata - Medball Russian Twist