Please note a schedule change for this weekend since we'll be hosting the Gymnastics Course:Sat classes will be 6:30 & 7:30 AM -- Sun Open Gym will be from 7 - 8:30 AMToday's Workout
- StrengthEvery 2 min. for 8 Sets
- 4 Front Squats (90%+ of 3 RM)
- Conditioning - "Tres Leg-ches"Complete for Total Reps
- 1 min. - Max Cal Bike
- 3 min. - Max DB Step Ups (1 DB)
- 5 min. - Max Wall Balls
- Accessory
- 2 min. Foam Roll Quads (Each Leg)
- 4 x :30 on|:30 off - Wall Sit