Today's WorkoutWarm Up
- 400 m Jog
- 50' Banded Walks (F+B|R+L|Sk F+B)
- 20 Banded Squats
- 5 Deadlifts
- 5 Power Cleans
- 10 Front Rack Lunges
- 10 Back Squats
Strength5 Sets
- 5 Back Squats (Build to a challenging set of 5)
Conditioning - "Run-Knee Yoke's"3 Rounds For Time
- 400 m Run
- 20 Front Rack Lunges (sx: 75#|55# rx: 115#|75# crx: 155#|105#)
Accessory3 Sets
- 10 Single Leg RDL (Each leg)