Today's WorkoutWarm Up
- 400 m Jog
- 25' Toy Soldier
- 25' Inchworm
- 50' Robot Bear Crawl (Fwd + Bwd)
- 10 Scap Pull Ups
- 10 Medball Squats
- 10 Kip Swings
- 10 Medball Push Presses
- 10 Hanging Knee Raises
- 10 Wall Balls
- 5 Toes to Bar
Conditioning - "Wall-t Dizz-knee"5 Rounds For Time
- 20 Toes to Bar
- 30 Wall Balls
- 400 m Run
Accessory4 Sets
- 12 Lying DB Pull Overs
- 12 Tempo KB Side Bends (Each side)