⭐Bring Your Friend(s) Day EVERY Saturday for the next month!!!We will be entering your name into a raffle for each NEW friend you bring.One person from each gym will win a gift card to a local business.????Have your friends sign up - HERE????Today's Workout
- Warm Up
- :20 Plank (F/R/L)
- 3 Sets
- 5 Infant Squat + Air Squat
- 10 Single Arm Row (Each)
- 15 Jumping Jacks
- Conditioning - "Tho-Row In-Vest-igation"AMRAP 25 - Partner WOD (crx: 20#|14# Vest)
- 30 Renegade Rows (Split as desired)
- 50 Air Squats (Split as desired - crx: 50 Synchro)
- 400 m Run Together
- Accessory3 Sets (Each Arm)
- 15 Single Arm High Pulls
- :30 Single Arm Overhead March