10/21/19: Monday

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October 21, 2019
10/21/19: Monday



October 21, 2019

Today's Workout

  • StrengthEvery 2 min. for 6 Sets
    • 3 Back Rack Lunges (Each Leg - Alternating)***Attempt to build over the 6 sets
  • Conditioning - "Bell of the Wall"21-15-9 - 15 min. Time Cap
    • Cal Row
    • Russian KB Swings (rx - 53#|35# crx - 70#|53# American)
    • Handstand Push Ups (sx - Pike/Box/DB Push Press crx - Deficit/Strict/Both)
  • Accessory4 Sets - :40 on|:20 off
    • Single Arm KB Front Rack March (Alt Arms - 2 Sets Each)

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