10/22/20: Thursday

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October 22, 2020
10/22/20: Thursday



October 22, 2020

⭐Bring Your Friend(s) Day EVERY Saturday for the next month!!!We will be entering your name into a raffle for each NEW friend you bring.One person from each gym will win a gift card to a local business.????Have your friends sign up - HERE????Today's Workout

  • Warm Up3 Sets - :30 On|:15 Off
    • Hollow Hold
    • Jump Rope
    • Hang (2-Small Kip|3-Regular Kip)
    • Straight Leg Sit Ups (2-V Ups|3-Hanging Knee Raises)
  • Conditioning - "The Kickin' or the Egg??" IndoorAMRAP 22400 m Run20 Lemon Squeezes10 Toes to Bar50 Double UndersOutdoorAMRAP 22400 m Run20 Lemon Squeezes10 V Ups50 Double Unders
  • Accessory4 Sets
    • 10-15 Double DB/KB High Pulls (Slow Negative)

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