Today's WorkoutWarm Up
- 10 Banded Pass Throughs
- 20 Face Pulls + Ext. Rotations
- 30 Banded Pull Aparts
- 3 Sets
- 5 Squat Thrusts
- 10 Straight Leg Sit Ups > Lemon Squeezes > V Ups
- 15 Scap Pull Ups > Small Kip Swing > Big Kip Swings
- :10 Ring Support Hold Top
- :10 Ring Support Hold Bottom
StrengthEvery :30 for 12 Sets
- 3-5 Strict Dips (crx: 1-3 Ring Muscle Ups)
Conditioning - "Kicking a Feel'd Goal"Every 2 min. for 10 Rounds
- 5 - 4 - 3 (crx: 6-5-4) ***1:30 Work Cap***
- Toes to Bar
- Burpee to Target***Rest the remaining time***
Accessory4 Sets - :40 On|:20 Off