03/18/20: Wednesday

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March 18, 2020
03/18/20: Wednesday



March 18, 2020

The gym will be closed this week.We're planning on having virtual classes via ZOOM at 7, 9 AM & 12, 6 PM. Check HERE to join in!Today's Workout

  • Warm Up
    • 100' Shuttle Jog
    • 10 Groiners + T-Spine Opener
    • 50' Walking Quad Pull
    • 50'Toy Soldier
    • 10 Inchworms
    • 50' Fast High Knees
    • 50' Butt Kickers
    • 15 Squat Thrusts
    • 0>50'>0>100'>0 Shuttle Run
  • Conditioning - "Div3r Scal10ps"Every 3 min. for 10 Rounds
    • 10-15 Burpees (Sub: Squat Thrusts|7-10 Inchworms)
    • 0>50'>0>100'>0 Shuttle Sprint (:30 Fast High Knees|30-40 Mt. Climbers|15-20 Toe Taps)
  • Accessory5 Sets
    • :30 Hollow Hold
    • 100' Single Arm Overhead Carry (Each Arm)

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