06/18/20: Thursday

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June 18, 2020
06/18/20: Thursday



June 18, 2020

The gym is closed due to COVID-19 until further notice.Today's classes:Zoom WOD- 7 AM & 12 PM Outdoor WOD - 6 & 9 AM & 6 PM-BH @ Back Lot --WF @ Parking Lot - ⭐MUST reserve in ZP⭐Abs - 1 PMStrength - 5 PM*******BH Click HERE to reserve and join classes!****************WF Click HERE to reserve and join classes!*********Today's Workout

  • Warm Up3 Rounds
    • 10 Single Leg Glute Bridges (Alt.)
    • 8 Single Arm Row (Each Arm)
    • 6 Two Breath Side Plank
    • 4 DB Pull Through (Each Arm - Alt.)
  • Conditioning - "Side Whined-er"8 Rounds for Total Reps:20 On|:10 Off
    • Right Side Plank (Sub: Standing Side Bend|Single Arm Front Rack March|Suitcase March)
    • Left Side Plank
    • DB Pull Through (Sub: Shoulder Taps|Push Up Plank|Forearm Plank)
    • Right Side Single Arm Row (Sub: Lighten Weight and Slow Reps Down)
    • Left Side Single Arm Row
    • DB Pull Through
  • Accessory4 Sets
    • 20 Lateral Step Ups (10 Each Leg)

Strength Class

  • Warm Up
    • 10 Groiners w/ T Spine Rotation
    • 10 Press Ups
    • 10 Push Up + Down Dog
    • :30 Russian Baby Maker Stretch
    • 10 Single Leg Good Mornings
    • 10 Behind the Neck Presses
    • 10 Tempo Back Squats
    • 10 Tempo Presses
  • Strength
    • Every 2 min. for 5 Sets - 5 Back Squats
    • Every 2 min. for 5 Sets - 5 Strict Presses

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