08/20/19: Tuesday

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August 20, 2019
08/20/19: Tuesday



August 20, 2019

Our 8th Annual Garden State Open on Saturday, 9/07 – We need at least 10 more judges. CLICK HERE to sign up to help out! All judges and volunteers will receive breakfast, coffee, lunch, a shirt, and some post competition adult beverages. If you can help out, please sign up ASAP to guarantee you receive a shirt! Thank you in advance!!Today's Workout

  • Conditioning - "Careful Watt You Woosh For"5 Rounds For Time - 40 min. Cap
    • 15|10 Cal Ski (:55 Time Cap)
    • 30 Wall Balls
    • 1 min. Rest
    • 15|10 Cal Bike (:55 Time Cap)
    • 3-5 Rope Climbs
    • 1 min. Rest
  • Accessory4 Sets
    • 15 Glute Bridges (Weighted if Desired)
    • 10 Lateral Box Step Ups (Each Leg)

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